domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Venus Mantra

The power of Planet Venus is focused to get luxuries in your life that means material luxuries like expensive cars, a big house in an exclusive zone of the city, gold and platinum watches, jewels and all the things that be related with material luxuries, also the power of Planet Venus work for the love, the internal and external own beauty, to improve your relationships and friendships, to get pleasure and comfort in your life.

Planet Venus Mantra is a Mantra focused in work with the energy of Planet Venus to get activate the benefits of Venus for yourself

Recite this Mantra everyday minimum 108 times and if you can repeat more Malas (1 Mala is one serie of 108 times) will be better and the results will become faster.

Om Shukraya Namaha pronunciation:

Oomm Shu-kra-ya Namaja

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