domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Increase your merit over 100,000 Times

You will increase your merit when you chant Mantras, do meditation, yoga, spiritual practices and any other activity that contribute to improve your life style and your spirituality.

Sambhara Mantra will increase and improve the results of the Mantras and all your activities simply chanting this Mantra before start any Mantra or another activity

Recite this Mantra everyday minimum 108 times and if you can repeat more Malas (1 Mala is one serie of 108 times) will be better and the results will become faster.

Om Sambhara Sambhara Bimana Sara Maha Java Hum Om Smara Smara Bimana Skara Maha Java Hum pronunciation:

Omm Sam-ba-ra Sam-ba-ra Bimana Sara Maja Yava Jum Omm Sss-mara Sss-mara Bimana Sss-kara Maja Yava Jum

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